Madeline Symonds Middle School

Terry Fox Run / Walk

Letter to Parents / Guardians


Dear Parents/Guardians:

Thirty six years have passed since Terry Fox began his run across our country. To celebrate this milestone, The Terry Fox Foundation has invited all Canadian schools to participate in the Terry Fox National School Run Day on Thursday Sept. 29th, 2016. A record number of schools across Canada will simultaneously participate in what might be the largest coordinated event in Canadian history while raising money for cancer research. Terry Fox only wanted people to donate what they wanted or felt could afford—we at The Foundation continue to embrace this philosophy.

Please feel free to help your son/daughter/dependant collect pledges or donations for their school’s event. We do not recommend that young people go door-to-door seeking donations, but rather ask people they know. The Terry Fox Foundation strives to keep accurate records so that they may ensure the money that people have donated goes where it has been intended—to cancer research. They do this by keeping a written record of all donations on pledge sheets or online at No matter the amount donated, they ask that you simply record the donation on the official pledge sheet or online so that they may keep our records accurate. Also, they provide tax receipts for any 20 dollar or more donations. Please ensure that all fields have been properly filled out (neatly) so that they may easily mail, or email, a correct tax receipt.

There is no question that Terry Fox is a national symbol of hope, determination and generosity. We are happy to have your son/daughter/dependant share in this young man’s dream and hope they will be inspired to always believe in themselves. Your children will carry on Terry’s story and they will continue to inspire millions of Canadians and people around the world to participate in the Terry Fox Run in support of cancer research.

Warm Regards,

L. Kazamel-Boudreau
Principal, MSMS